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captonyms, jumpsuits, and good music
2001-12-13 � 4:11 p.m.

sorry for such hostility yesterday.

i would like some snow, i am sick of the rain.

another classic word from my Word-a-day email:

capitonym (KAP-i-toh-NIM) noun

A word that changes pronunciation and meaning when it is


As in the following poems:

Job's Job

In August, an august patriarch

Was reading an ad in Reading, Mass.

Long-suffering Job secured a job

To polish piles of polish brass.

Herb's Herbs

An herb store owner, name of Herb,

Moved to a rainier Mount Rainier.

It would have been so nice in Nice,

And even tangier in Tangier.


anyway i think it would be great if everyone had to wear a jumpsuit with cargo pockets every friday. the color could be what ever but every person in every occupation would be wearing a jumpsuit every friday for one year. then after that year was up, i think people would miss it. it would be this one uniting quality and then it would be non existant because you know some people hated the jumpsuits.

are stick shift cars a retronym? you can buy a brand new stickshift car. something to think about.

great christams song, Mariah Carey's All I Want for Christmas is You.


PS HHS Band concert Dec 13, TODAY, 8pm

HHS Choir concert Dec 17, mon, 8pm

HHS Orchestra concert Dec 18, tues, 7:30pm

all in HHS auditorium, all free, please come

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