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occiputs, choir concerts, and the disney channel
2001-12-17 � 2:40 p.m.

it gets better everyday! this Word-a-day is pretty normal but look at the example. this is hilarious.

occiput (OK-suh-put) noun, plural occipita (ok-SIP-i-tah) or occiputs

The back part of the head or skull.

[From Middle English, from Latin occipit, from oc-, from ob- (against) + ciput, from caput (head).]

Senator Smoot (Republican, Ut.)

Is planning a ban on smut.

Oh rooti-ti-toot for Smoot of Ut.

And his reverend occiput.

Smite, Smoot, smite for Ut.,

Grit your molars and do your dut.,

Gird up your l--ns,

Smite h-p and th-gh,

We'll all be Kansas

By and by.

Opening para of Ogden Nash's 1931 poem on Sen. Reed Smoot whose anti-porn stance led to a newspaper headline "Smoot Smites Smut".

So what is the plural form for the word "atlas"? Atlases? Yes, but not always. When used to refer to collections of maps, it is "atlases". However, in architecture, where atlas is a column in the form of a standing or kneeling figure, the plural form of the word is "atlantes". While the rules for pluralization in the English language are relatively simple, there are exceptions, especially when the rules are inherited from the language the word came from. Let's take a look at words that pluralize in rather unusual ways compared to the most common rules of pluralization.


i have a choir concert tonight, last week out of 5 days of rehersals, we had only 1 on friday. very few people know the words to all of the songs. you all should come anyway and see swing, we are actually pretty good.

as a fan of the disney channel i am encouraging everyone to go and vote for the Zoogin New Years Eve show lineup. it will be great!


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