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Christmas, cruises, and sennight
2001-12-25 � 9:48 a.m.

Merry Christmas Everyone! Jesus's Birthday is so great!

i am going on a cruise with my family for the next week. i do not think i will have internet access but i will write down amazing things to tell you lucky people who read my diary when i return.

Have a safe holiday season.


oh ps, this is funny


sennight (SEN-yt) noun

A week.

[From Middle English, from Old English seofon nihta, from seofon

(seven) +

nihta, plural of niht (night).]

Fortnight is a cousin of today's word. Twice as long as a sennight,

it's a compressed form of "fourteen night". -Anu


For now sad Charles unto the throne is come.

First his drunk grandam fell down in a fit and died,

And then a sennight later his

Mother Queen

Bit by a rabid Corgi ran naked through the streets,

Froth'd at the mouth and breath'd her last.

So Charles was crown'd; but now the angry mob

Demand that he be brought to Tyburn Tree -

Such is the curse on all odd-numbered Charles'."

Emily Sheffield, Jackdaw, The Guardian (London), May 29, 1996.

i couldn't resist, sorry


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