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Cruise LOG: cats, purists, and vox barbara
2001-25-12 � 2:25 p.m.

On the flight from canton to pittsburg, my sister katie felt that the baby in front of her, Cloe, was cute b/c it reminded her of Kristin paschen's cat.

just a moment ago my mom said to scott, " Oh, don't be such a purist" in regaurds to garden burgers at the TGI Fridays in the pittsburg airport.

Merry Christmas

oh, here

vox barbara (VOKS BAHR-buhr-uh) noun

A barbarous word or phrase, especially applied to supposedly neo-Latin terms that are neither Latin nor Greek. [From Latin vox barbara (foreign word or speech).]

"To get at what I do mean I need an Anglicism (not, be it noted, a Briticism, which word is an Americanism and a vox barbara to boot)." Kingsley Amis, Amis on English, The Guardian (UK), Mar 10, 1997.

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