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cruciverbalist, ultramontane, and the movies
2002-01-21 � 10:57 a.m.

'sup y'all. i have been busy but things have been boring. nothing exciting to write about. i have some words that are kind of funny.

cruciverbalist (kroo-ci-VUHR-buh-list) noun

A crossword designer or enthusiast.

[From Latin cruci-, stem of crux (cross), + verbalist (one skilled in use of words), from verbum (word).]

"In a suburban town in Connecticut, Cora Felton has some small measure of notoriety as the Puzzle Lady, reputed constructor of syndicated crosswords. The much married and generally alcoholic Cora, though, is a front for her niece Sherry, the real cruciverbalist."

GraceAnne A DeCandido, Last Puzzle & Testament (book review), The Booklist (Chicago), Jul 2000.

ultramontane (ul-truh-mon-TAYN) adjective

1. Of or pertaining to people or region beyond the mountains.

2. Supporting the Pope's authority over the Roman Catholic Church in all countries.


1. One who lives beyond the mountains.

2. One who favors papal supremacy.

[From Medieval Latin ultramontanus, from Latin ultra- (beyond) + mont-, mons (mountain).]

"Adopting the sort of tone you use with recalcitrant pets or unruly children, the government makes no concessions. This is par for the course on reform of the Commons, where chief whip Ann Taylor and ultramontane Margaret Beckett, leader of the house, have been veritable forces of conservatism."

David Walker, Executive Powers: Modernise is Still One of the Government's Favourite Words, The Guardian (London), May 29, 2000.

Once in my life I was a Cleveland Indian. I boarded a plane at the New Delhi airport and landed at my destination, Cleveland, to attend a graduate school at Case Western Reserve University. Soon after arriving, I discovered the picturesque vast expanse of Lake Erie to the north of the city and learnt that we were North Shore residents. Or were we?

Lake Erie separates the city of Cleveland from Canada. Upon visiting Canada on the other side of the lake I discovered that the folks there also claimed to be on the North Shore. And I realized they were right, since Cleveland actually lies on the South Shore of the Lake. Now, try telling that to countless business owners in Cleveland who have named their enterprises "North Shore Computers", North Shore this and North Shore that.

Well, I guess it's all relative. It all depends on what side of the Fence or pond one is on. And the same is true with ultramontane. First it was applied by the Italians, rather contemptuously, to those living north of the Alps, such as the French and Germans. Later, the tables were turned on them, and those on the North began calling Italians ultramontane. Now it could be anyone living on the other side of a mountain, a foreigner, or an ultraconservative.

how come one actor or actress will have 2 or three movies come out at the same time. How do they have time to do both?

The Royal Tenenbaums was pretty good. i would say worth seeing.

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