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7-11, alfresco, and America's favorite song in 1919
2002-01-22 � 7:11 p.m.

ha ha 7:11 like the gas station/corner store.

anyway here is a word i am going to try to use soon.

alfresco (al-FRES-ko) adjective and adverb

Outdoors; in the open air.

[From Italian alfresco(in the fresh).]

"Santa Fe will be less alfresco next year when all its audience is to be roofed, though not walled, from the squalls on New Mexico's mesa."

American Opera Festivals: Buffy, Not Stuffy, The Economist (London),

Sep 9, 1995.

"Buffy, Not Stuffy, the Economist" wow

today in AP US history i read that Harvard law proffessor Felix Frankforter remarked that their was much truth in the popular song "All Coons Look Alike to Me" during the Sacco Vanzetti trial in the 1920s. this makes me very nervous because "that was the title of one of America's favorite songs in the years just prior to 1919. White America had dragged the "coon" or "darkie" image of Blacks from the wreckage of ante-bellum slavery, and they exploited it to maximum advantage. The coon stereotype, also known as the "Sambo syndrome," characterized Blacks as harmless, asexual, lazy, good-natured, faithful, slow, trifling, stupid, inept and eternally hungry." i got this quote from

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