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Asian Awareness Club, Mrs. S, and the "ghetto g"
2002-02-01 � 5:42 p.m.

hello all!

sorry for the delay, i have been very busy.

i would like to join our school's newest club. it is the Asian awareness club.

Mrs. Swedenborg has said some more funny things. While we were watching a movie on the Roaring 20s she said, "This is Bessie Smith, Mr. Swedenborg thinks she's JUST great."

Then today she said to Zack Ji, an officer in the Asian awareness club, "Are you a citizen" Zack,"No" Mrs.S"Yeah i don't think you can do Buckeye Boys State if you are not a citizen"

Today in the hall, i was behind a girl who had ironed on letters that said "ghetto g" now there are many things wrong with this. first she was not Black, second she lives in Hudson, third she does not even come close to be given a title of "ghetto g"

i have to go to pep band. okay! See ya later!!!!

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