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Horkin n Snorkin, bits, grading machines, canables, and domes
2002-02-20 � 7:57 p.m.

As some of you might know, my favorite Neighbor Emily Hedlund, AKA Nancy Carls or Sarah, gave me the name of Horkin n' Snorkin. this was abit alarming to me b/c it sounds like i am a drug lord. any way i finally found out the origin of Horkin n Snorkin. it seems Mr. Hedlund, her father, watched a lady fall down the stairs and when he asked if she was ok she responded with,

"heman, himan, horkin n' snorkin"

my friend abby said in english class the other day, "I'm filing myself to bits" as she took a nail file to her jeans.

when we asked mrs s if she had graded our DBQ's she responded, "I am NOT a grading machine!!!!"

on valentines day mrs lustic had us read jonathan swift's a modest proposal about canablism. this reminded me of the important people's hit song valentine's day cake.

mrs s is very upset that the ohio state capitol building has no dome, i mean minnesota's capitol build has a dome and so does the one in Washington DC

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