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buskin, national parks, wacko weather and great things
2002-02-26 � 4:43 p.m.


buskin (BUS-kin) noun 1. A thick-soled, laced boot, reaching to knee or calf, worn by of ancient Greek and Roman tragedies. Also known as cothurnus.

2. A tragic drama.

[Perhaps from Middle French brousequin.]

Words often form and come to acquire new meaning for peculiar reasons. Because those big shoes were often worn by tragedians, we came to refer to a tragedy itself as a buskin. A counterpart of buskin is sock (a comedy) after soccus, a lightweight low shoe worn by Greek and Roman comic actors. -Anu

"`My vein,' wrote Corneille, `often combines the lofty buskin with the comic sock, and ... pleases the audience by striking contrasting notes.'" Linda Winer, Corneille With Kushner's Help, Newsday (New York),Jan 20, 1994.

the qoute is great.

mrs s said to on friday "This is Hudson Commons National Park and i name myself the head ranger."


today in latin we played knee hockey. there was lots of blood and injuries. what a way to start off the day. it was great.

this weather is wacko. it was warm and sunny then warm and rainy then a blizzard now hail and sunny.

other things that are great:

99 days until i graduate high school

90 days until my birthday

88 days until my last day of high school

77 days until i can safely stop caring

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