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Iron Mountain Native Dancers and the living Bible wax museaum
2002-03-03 � 3:51 p.m.

hey kids

i love writing research papers.

today's band:

Iron Mountain Native Dancers

i have looked a long time and it apears that there is not any info about them on the net. i will keep looking. it seems that they are Native American dancers from Iron mountain in south dakota. they seem to have a lot of gigs so they must be pretty good i think this will be a worth while show.

if anyone can find anything about them please let me know.

the living Bible wax museaum by mansfield ohio was one of the most interesting experiences of my life. it was pretty atrocious reaing of the Bible. they wax figure displays were pretty good but i wish that they gave you the option of just going through and looking at them or listening to all the Bible stories.

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