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mooncalfs and Oliver "Who Shot the La La" Morgan
2002-03-07 � 11:44 a.m.

words are great

mooncalf (MOON-kaf) noun

1. A daydreamer or absent-minded person.

2. A fool or simpleton.

3. A congenitally deformed person.

[From the earlier belief that a misshapen birth was a result of effects of the moon.]

"Troughton, who has become a justly popular leading actor over the past few RSC seasons, is both monster and mooncalf." Michael Coveney, Theatre: Psycho III, The Madness of King Richard, The Guardian (London), Sep 10, 1995.

todays artist:

Oliver "Who Shot the La La" Morgan

name explaination:

In Employee knows "Who Shot the La La" But, he's not telling, NOPD's Building Services Supervisor Oliver Morgan stayed mum about that great mystery of rock and roll. Morgan's recording of "Who Shot the La La" sold nearly a million copies in 1962.


vocalist Oliver "Who Shot The' La-La' " Morgan, an exhilarating performer who bills himself as "New Orleans' Greatest Entertainer" and certainly lives up to his billing

a picture can be found @

My Notes:

I vote yes for our friend and vocalist Oliver "Who Shot The' La-La' " Morgan. i was happy to find that there is a logical explaination for his name.

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