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unctuous and Bonerama
2002-03-09 � 9:33 p.m.

my name is jessica, i love the Lord.

here is a word that, of course, instantly made me think of mrs f

unctuous UNGK-choo-us, adjective:

1. Of the nature or quality of an unguent or ointment; fatty; oily; greasy.

2. Having a smooth, greasy feel, as certain minerals.

3. Insincerely or excessively suave or ingratiating in manner or speech; marked by a false or smug earnestness or agreeableness.

A warmed, crusty French roll arrives split, lightly smeared with unctuous chopped liver.--John Kessler, "Meals To Go: Break from the routine with Hong," [1]Atlanta Journal and Constitution, October 22, 1998

She recalled being offended by the "phoniness" that stemmed from the contradiction between her mother's charming, even unctuous public manner and her anger in private.--Daniel Horowitz, [2]Betty Friedan And the Making of 'The Feminine Mystique'

He approached Sean wearing a smile so unctuous it seemed about to slide right off his face. --Naeem Murr, [3]The Boy

Unctuous is from Medieval Latin unctuosus, from Latin unctus, "anointed, besmeared, greasy," past participle of unguere, "to anoint, to besmear."

today's band:


The highly anticipated debut effort from this unique group of New Orleans trombonists is in the form of a live record recorded earlier in the year at the Old Point Bar in the New Orleans community of Algiers. "Bonerama LIVE at the Old Point" features the 5 trombone +rhythm section group in an exciting hour of spirited musical diversity showcasing the trombone as a serious contender for the "coolest instrument of the decade" award. These trombones collectively blast through several heavy groove funk numbers

My Notes:

Bonerama appears to be 5 trombones and a tuba. there names are Craig Klein, Rick Trolsen, Mark Mullins, Matt Perrine, Brian O'Neill, Steve Suter. Well, "The hottest group to hit New Orleans in years" - Where Y'at Apr. 2001

so where y'at thinks they are great. so i vote yes.

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