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tests and Creole Zydeco Farmers
2002-03-19 � 4:34 p.m.


i took a lot of tests today, i think they were ok, but you never can tell.

i am over-joyed to present

Today's Band: Creole Zydeco Farmers

In about 1989 a combination of circumstances, including 3 freak hip injury to Fernest Arceneaux of Fernest and The Thunders, caused the dissolution of the band, and his long time guitar player Chester Chevalier and Clarence "Jockey", Etienne, the Drummer, organized a new group with whom they still remain. The Creole Zydeco Farmers

This band features Murphv Richard and Morris Francis on the accordion. Chester Chevalier and Joseph McKinley Rossyion on guitars. Clarance Jockey Etienne on drums and David Edmond on Bass

check out more at

My Notes: This looks like an amazing group so i will vote yes to see this one also.

please note, there is like 50 bands total and i am only looking at 20 with funny names. this is so you do not just think i like every band appearing at the New Orleans Jazz Fest.

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