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great things and Bamboula 2000
2002-03-23 � 3:51 p.m.

things that are not so great:

1. it snowed

2. it melted

3. it is going to snow from sunday night to wednesday

things that are great:

1. i do not care about the snow

2. it is spring break

3. i graduate high school in 74 days

4. my birthday is in 65 days

5. school is done in 63 days

6. i can safely stop caring in 52 days

Today's Band: Bamboula 2000

BAMBOULA 2000 is an exciting music and dance experience appeal. Founded in 1994, Bamboula celebrates the rich cultural contributions of Congo Square in New Orleans.

My Notes: this looks amazing. I definately vote yes, this will be a glorious show. i am very excited about this one kids. the pictures are great.

i BEG all of you to please go to the website:

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