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WEDNESDAY, March 18, 1846
2002-04-07 � 5:14 p.m.

yo yo sup kiddoes

this is hilarious

From the Journal of the House of Representatives of the United States, 1789-1873 WEDNESDAY, March 18, 1846.

The following petitions, memorials, and other papers, were laid on the Clerk's table, under the 24th rule of the House, to wit:

By Mr. Maclay: A memorial of the committee appointed by inventors and others, directly interested in patents and the progress of the useful arts, of the city of New York, praying for amendments the existing patent laws so as to secure protection to the ingenious inventor. By Mr. Rathbun: A memorial of citizens of the county of Cayuga, in the State of New York, remonstrating against the renewal of the patent of Jethro Wood, late of said county, deceased, for an improvement in cast iron ploughs.

i say there definatly needs to be an improvement in cast iron ploughs.

wow how times have changed.


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