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red herring, quondam, sleeping
2002-04-09 � 3:54 p.m.

howdy folks,

here are some words that have some examples that are great:

red herring (red HER-ing) noun

A misleading clue; something used to divert attention from the real issue.

[From the former practice of drawing a smoked herring across the track to teach hounds not to be distracted from other scents.]

"When I hear hysterical opposition from some self-styled leaders in the business community to such a common-sense policy as the living wage, I have to shake my head. They trot out all the tired old red herrings about the living wage being bad for business or adversely affecting the business climate or even causing layoffs." Terry Lierman, `Living Wage' Is Good for Workers and Businesses, The Washington Post, Mar 21, 2002.

quondam KWAHN-duhm; KWAHN-dam, adjective:

Having been formerly; former; sometime.

A quondam flower child, she spent seven years at the Royal College of Art, before becoming a lecturer at Edinburgh School of Art. --"Interview: Cool, calm collector," [1]Independent, December 13, 1997 For the unregenerate "peasant"... had gone there with the successful glass distributor, shrewd investor, versatile talker, and quondam [2]bon vivant whose motto was "The best is good enough for me." --Ted Solotaroff, [3]Truth Comes in Blows: A Memoir

There was an exception to this in the form of Mrs Edna Parsons, a formidable Englishwoman who had once been the Prince's nanny and now served as proctor, supervising his behaviour. She was about fifty and true to her quondam profession, she could be quite strict. --David Freeman, [4]One of Us

Quondam comes from the Latin quondam, "formerly," from quom, "when."


today in band i said "i think i loose brian cells from not sleeping." andrew, the boy next to me, asked "can you really do loose brain cells if you do not sleep?" kevin zak then replied "no i think you just feel really bad." amazing

now i have looked for a while and not been able to find a scientific answer to the above question but i will keep looking.

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