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pellucid, recalcitrant , and national community college month
2002-04-13 � 5:23 p.m.

hello kids,

so, uuhhh, here are uuhhhhh some uuhhhhh words hmmm yeah.

pellucid puh-LOO-sid, adjective:

1. Transparent; clear; not opaque.

2. Easily understandable.

The prevailing atmosphere as one cruises Kukulcan Boulevard, the busy strip where most of Cancun's 122 hotels are clustered, remains that of an Orlando or a Las Vegas dropped intact next to pellucid Caribbean waters. --Larry Rohter, "What's Doing in Cancun." [1]New York Times, March 8, 1998

In her scrupulous and pellucid prose, she appears to distance herself from the optimistic Californian light. --Cynthia Ozick, "What Writer's Writers Write." [2]New York Times Magazine, January 2, 2000

Pellucid comes from Latin pellucidus, "shining, transparent," from pellucere, "to shine through," from per-, "through" +lucere, "to shine."

recalcitrant ih-KAL-sih-truhnt, adjective:

Stubbornly resistant to and defiant of authority or restraint.

If they lingered too long, Clarice hurried them along in the same annoyed way she rushed recalcitrant goats through the gate. -- Kaye Gibbons, [1]On the Occasion of My Last Afternoon

As Mr. Lincoln and his Union generals insisted on unconditional surrender, the end of slavery, and the specter of an egalitarian nation where race and class were in theory to be subordinate ideas, so recalcitrant Southerners by the summer of 1864 dug in deeper for their Armageddon to come. --Victor Davis Hanson, [2]The Soul Of Battle

This recalcitrant fellow was the only dissenter in an otherwise unanimous recommendation. --Sherwin B. Nuland, "Indoctrinology," [3]New Republic, February 19, 2001

Recalcitrant derives from Latin recalcitrare, "to kick back," from re-, "back" + calcitrare, "to strike with the heel, to kick," from calx, calc-, "the heel."

Synonyms: unruly, ungovernable, intractable, refractory, willful, headstrong, wayward, disobedient.

so many words. i looked at prices for percusion equiptment for my special teams for the band the important people. they were pretty good.

did you know that april was national community college month? i want to know who names these weird months so i tried to find out.

here is what i found: Throughout America, the month of April is proclaimed community college month. Traditionally, this month has become a time to reflect on the philosophy and history of the community colleges and a time to look into the future for these "uniquely American" institutions of higher education. As we celebrate community college month, we are reminded of our heritage and the futuristic vision of the early leaders of the community college. It was through their vision and hard work that the development and growth of the community college occurred. Today, the community college is a major segment of higher education serving millions of people with quality programs and services.

for the whole artical please go to

so we don't know who named it but we know what is all about.

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