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LOG: Jazz Band Trip to New Orleans - Wednesday
2002-04-24 � 10:57 p.m.

sup kids,

Wednesday, April 24, 2002

8:42 p.m. - after an all-star performance HHS Jazz Ensemble we boarded the bus headed for New Orleans at 8:28 p.m. The first twelve minutes i spent trying to remove my boot (singular) off, Kevin Zak (Stu) helped me for another two and we were finally successful in our plight. The bus has not left the parking lot yet.

9:56 p.m. - Casey Brevka said he will commit suicide in fifteen years.

10:26 p.m. - To keep myself out of a gambling game of poker or yuker(sp?)i have just spent a half an hour watching people play Magic Cards. I am very confused. if you do not know all of the rules really well, you are in big trouble.

10:31 p.m. - "Don't look you piece of trash!" - stu

10:57 p.m. - "Oh my God, a forest!!" - joe

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