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LOG: Jazz Band Trip to New Orleans - Friday morning/afternoon
2002-04-26 � 2:05 p.m.

Friday morning/afternoon April 26, 2002

8:33 a.m. - Kevin will have 20 ft. of dirt between the bottom floor of his house and his basement. There will be an escalator instead of an elevator incase the power goes out you will not be stuck, for you can still walk up the stairs. i suppose this is not handicap accessable but they will have to be carried i suppose. The whole puropse of this is incase of nuclear attack. is the cold war really over? you be the judge.

8:46 a.m. - "Wow! look at the jumping fountains!" - Joe

11:24 a.m. - we have just finished out performance on the street by Jackson Square. it went very well, however we had to set up in a different place b/c the cross-dressing divas set up their tent and sound system in that place. there was also a clown that made people scary balloon hats.

11:52 a.m. - Kevin and others heard two people on the fair grounds saying, "There's money in these trash cans!"

1:30 p.m. - "as long as you can hear the tamborine, you know you are getting closer" - random women in a Large purple shirt.

2:05 p.m. - I notice the man in front of me does not use his hands to clap but rather his one hand is thrown violently into the wrist of the other arm and that hand is clenched in a fist. i have seen this man use this hand for righting and i am almost sure he shook someone's hand with it so i do not think it is injured. wow.

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