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lassitude, doolally , yellow green crayons
2002-05-13 � 3:48 p.m.

s'up y'all

here are some words. they are appropriote for a monday. the examples are funny:

lassitude LASS-uh-tood; LASS-uh-tyood, noun:

Lack of vitality or energy; weariness; listlessness.

The feverish excitement ... had given place to a dull, regretful lassitude. --George Eliot, [1]Romola

A long exercise of the mental powers induces a remarkable lassitude of the whole body. --Edmund Burke, [2]A Philosophical Enquiry into the Origin of Our Ideas of the Sublime and Beautiful

She felt aged, in deep lassitude and numb despair, and regretted not marrying Mai Dong before he left for the front. --Ha Jin, [3]Waiting

Lassitude is from Latin lassitudo, from lassus, "weary, exhausted."

doolally (DU-lah-lee) adjective

Irrational, deranged, or insane.

[After Deolali, an Indian town.]

"As aid dwindled, Mr Mugabe made no effort to spend within his means. From 1997, public finances went doolally. The main result was graft." Hell, No, I Won't Go, The Economist (London), Feb 21, 2002.

Deolali is a small town in western India, about 100 miles from Mumbai (formerly Bombay) with an unusual claim to fame. It's where British soldiers who had completed their tour of duty were sent to await transportation home. It was a long wait - often many months - before they were to be picked up by ships to take them to England. Consequent boredom turned many a soldier insane, and the word doolally was coined. At first the term was used in the form "He's got the Doo-lally tap", from Sanskrit tapa (heat) meaning one has caught doolally fever but now it's mostly seen as in "to go doolally". In Australia, it goes as "don't do your lolly".

if those are not great enough, today in band, Kevin Zak ate part of a yellow green crayon. it was amazing. we owe it all to igor stravinski for giving the trombones 80 measures of rest for the first page of Rite of Spring.



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