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Log: Chautauqua #1
2002-08-11 � 11:10 p.m.

I went on a small road trip with KT, Cat, Lauren, Aaron, and Steve Ly. to lake chautuaqua in NY. here is the log of the trip.

Friday, August 9, 2002

8:58 AM i realize that my parents did NOT leave the keys to the van for us. i call both parents to present the problem. then i have a banana for breakfast. it was chiquita.

9:35 AM Ralph calls and complains of traffic on the way home from euclid. [he is bringing the keys]

10:00 AM the keys arrive.

10:49 AM a lady in a green van is intensely reading the Rosie's Drug Problem edtion of the National Inquirer(sp?).

11:08 AM a different lady in a green car is wearing head phones while driving, um illegal

11:13 AM "it's like electric bagpipes"-aaron

11:14 AM "i feel like i'm in my mom's car and i'm like six"-cat

11:44 AM Do your gutters get you steaming mad? gutters unlimited (truck)

11:53 AM "are these my brass knuckles insterted in your fleshy anus" - i think it was steve. please let me know if anyone else really said it.

11:54 AM a flock of birds flew into the car. everyone who was looking foward screamed.

12:00 PM We pass sign for a hotel called Tallyho

12:06 PM there was a little red hard plastic cooler in the middle of the left lane on the highway, kt quickly changed lanes to aviod an accident.

12:28 PM "i"ll do oliver, you[cat] will do ryan, i don't think i could do ryan."-kt

12:38 PM we stop for lunch at the Bemus Point Inn.

12:56 PM we are surrounded by old people here at the Bemus Point Inn.

1:03 PM "i'm not from anywhere, i'm just a weirdo" jess(me)

1:07 PM i just saw the third person with a square buzz cut. the food is good.

1:48 PM kt drives into a private mansion and briefly drove around the grounds. her excuse was "the gate was open"

2:18 PM "my boat is called f--- bucket" steve

2:34 PM "that? the stilborn baby spits over the side" i did not record this entry into the log and i do not know what it is about or what it means. i can not easily read the handwriting but this is the best translation i can provide for y'all.

more log later


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