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Log: Chautauqua #5
2002-08-17 � 3:25 p.m.

August 11, 2002

12:09 AM we arrive at meyer house and retrieve luggage from the van. kt drive cougar and some things, jess drives jeep and some things (and people) to the cantoni's.

12:47 AM the phillips 'rents come to let the dogs out and are surprised b/c they have not checked their voice mail.

1:12 AM kt will buy a lifetime supply of "om" tea. she will drink it so much, her pee will smell of it. DON'T DRINK THE PEE!

1:14 AM "has anyone seen my black thing? not my child..."steve

1:19 AM madison (the cat) helps us to re-enact Pet Cememtary.

1:24 AM "when i am married i'm going to pull my pants down when ever i want b/c i can...No, Stop, DON'T WRITE THAT DOWN!"-katie

1:26 AM "he's always making references to john stamos and bob sagat"-steve "oh, bob too eh?"-jess

1:34 AM My Buddy (the doll) has a knife...

12:00 PM i try to force everyone to watch totally in tune. there are no takers. just a few walk-ins. they don't know what they are missing.

12:30 PM we go to the pool.

1:15 PM at the pool, steve is pretending to be a small rambuntious child, catherine is his mom and katie is his aunt. we are causing a rukus.

2:23 PM sunny (this girl that is a walking oxymoron because her name is sunny and she never smiles) walks into the pool facility with her friend and boy friend. kids today.

2:30 PM we return to cantoni's for lunch.

3:10 PM lunch is over. we all part ways and go on with our separate lives. this is captin horkin n snorkin signing off.

thE enD

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