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flagitious and bye-bye mameco
2002-08-27 � 6:12 p.m.

hey kiddoes

here is a word with funny examples:

flagitious fluh-JISH-uhs, adjective:

1. Disgracefully or shamefully criminal; grossly wicked; scandalous; -- said of acts, crimes, etc.

2. Guilty of enormous crimes; corrupt; profligate; -- said of persons.

3. Characterized by enormous crimes or scandalous vices; as,"flagitious times."

However flagitious may be the crime of conspiring to subvert by force the government of our country, such conspiracy is not treason. --[1]Ex parte Bollman & Swartwout, 4 Cranch 126 (1807)

The Grinch, a nefarious, flagitious, sly, nasty, troublesome, bad-tempered, intolerant and foul-smelling character who, for reasons never fully explained, lives in a cave above the town. --Robin Greer, "Carrey Christmas," [2]News Letter, December 1, 2000

These men were reported to be heretics..., seducers of youth, and men of flagitious life. --Isaac Taylor, History of the World

During the Whiskey Rebellion 200 years ago, a preacher declared: "The present day is unfolding a design the most extensive, flagitious and diabolical, that human art and malice have ever invented... If accomplished, the earth can be nothing better than a sink of impurities." --George Will, "Paranoiac Terrorism Is Part of American History," [3]Newsday, April 25, 1995

Break heart, drop blood, and mingle it with tears,

Tears falling from repentant heaviness

Of thy most vile and loathsome filthiness,

The stench whereof corrupts the inward soul

With such flagitious crimes of heinous sins

As no commiseration may expel,

But mercy, Faustus, of thy Saviour sweet,

Whose blood alone must wash away thy guilt.

--Christopher Marlowe, [4]The Tragical History Of Doctor Faustus

Flagitious comes from Latin flagitiosus, from flagitium, "a shameful or disgraceful act," originally, "a burning desire, heat of passion," from flagitare, "to demand earnestly or hotly," connected with flagrare, "to blaze, to burn."

i love to learn new words.

so tommorrow is my last day at Mameco for the summer! YIPPY! WHAHOO! alright, yeah dude rock on!! sleep is good i love sleep. well fot those of you that do not know, here are two websites that kick but and are entertaining and great even though they are a little off color: - look at all the pictures they are great - angry bot,tendertron and the french one are awsome.

tommorrow lisa and mary leave. that is everyone gone except ohio state kids. this is sad. i have about a week and a half until i move in on sept 7.


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