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brown rice
2002-08-31 � 11:12 a.m.

i'll make a man out of you

so uhhhh yeah, the other day cat and i were wondering why brown rice is better for you than white rice. here are the results


Brown Rice Tips the Scale for Good Nutrition

Milling is the primary difference between brown and white rice. The varieties may be identical, but it is in the milling process where brown rice becomes white rice. Milling, often called "whitening", removes the outer bran layer of the rice grain.

What does that do to the rice grain? Does milling affect the nutritional quality of the rice? The answer to this question is YES. Milling strips off the bran layer, leaving a core comprised of mostly carbohydrates. In this bran layer resides nutrients of vital importance in the diet, making white rice a poor competitor in the nutrition game The following chart shows the nutritional differences between brown and white rices. Fiber is dramatically lower in white rice, as are the oils, most of the B vitamins, and important minerals.

Brown Rice White Rice

Bran contains several things of major importance - two major ones are fiber and essential oils. Fiber is not only filling, but is implicated in prevention of major diseases in this country such as certain gastrointestinal diseases and heart disease. The National Cancer Institute recommends 25 grams of fiber a day, a cup of brown rice adds nearly 3.5 g, while an equal amount of white rice not even 1 g. Also, components of the oils present in rice bran have been shown in numerous studies to decrease serum cholesterol, a major risk factor in heart disease.

i found this information at

please visit there website for an informative chart and more info. it is very good.

i gotta go


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