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ossuary, now at college and Elohim
2002-09-08 � 12:36 p.m.

words words words: NOTE the examples are the funny parts.

ossuary (OSH-oo-eh-ree) noun, plural ossuaries

A place or container for depositing the bones of the dead. Also, ossuarium.

[Late Latin ossuarium, from neuter of Latin, ossuarius, of bones, from Old Latin ossua, plural of oss-, os, bone.]

"The bones of nearly 800 more were found in three ossuaries at a nearby village site called Moyaone." Frank D Roylance, Old Bones a Source of Insights, Mystery, The Baltimore Sun, May 2, 1999.

yes i am at college. it is pretty sweet. my roommate is awesome and we get along fine. she is very down to earth. i am glad.

i went to the first football game and ou lost 31 to zero. that sucks. the ou band is almost as good hudson. we will give them a few weeks to catch up.

oh and here is some info:

Name of God: Elohim

Meaning: God

Reference: Genisis 1:1, Numbers 23:19, Psalm 19:1

Significance: Refers to God's power and might. He is the only surpreme and true God.

oh and i had this sad excuse for an orientation today that is not quite over yet. i dislike math. ok i have to go get my math test results. oh i will not know my schedual until like 5 pm today.


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