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day and anagram
2002-09-25 � 8:30 p.m.

what's up kids

nothing particularly great or funny happened today. but it was a good day. thid cool kid named Ben brought up that Psalm 118:24 This is the day that the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it.

as a tee-shirt of one of my friends says "Isn't God the Greatest!"

anyhoo i figure lets keep those weird words with the hilarious examples comin' round the mountain:

anagram (AN-a-gram) noun

A rearrangement of letters in a word, phrase, or name to form another word, phrase, or name.

verb tr.

To rearrange the letters of a term to form another.

[From Middle French anagramme, from New Latin anagramma, from ana- (back, up)+ -gram (something written).]

Can you create one word out of the letters in new door? The answer is (ha ha) "one word". The letters in new door are the same as those in one word, except in a different order. When is enough not enough? When you rearrange the letters in enough, you get one hug. Everybody knows that one hug is never enough!

Aptagrams are words or statements that uncannily anagram into their own synonyms or into uncannily related ideas:




Next up in this phase of anagramazing program are words and phrases that we can shape into heaps of other meaningful phrases:

dormitory DIRTY ROOM

Statue of Liberty BUILT TO STAY FREE

television set SEE? IT'S VIOLENT!

No wonder that an acronym of anagram is A New, Appropriate, Grandly Rearranged, Alphabetic Message. No wonder that those who believe in the magical potency of words have hailed the anagram as AH, AN ART GEM! and anagrams as ARS MAGNA, "the great art".

dude some people like totally have way to much time on their hands. i am glad for this because it is histerical for me and y'all to read



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