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dude, studying, and officious
2002-09-29 � 12:44 a.m.


this is what happend to mw on friday:

*i woke up late

*forgot my umbrella and got completely soaked

*my backpack also got completely soaked and the ink in my notebooks ran and ruined the bottom of my theater history book

*my grab n'go lunch was cold and gross

*i locked myself out of the room

*i locked myself out of the room again when i had to pee a lot

but i was seriously in the greatest mood all day long. i got things done on my list and the list of fun things my sister gave me to do, it was awesome.

today i did not get my studying done but i made a pretty fly movie with some pretty cool kids.

so uhhh yeah the words have been boring lately so here is one i do not think i have posted before:

officious (o-fish-uhs) adjective

1. Excessive eagerness in offering unwanted or unneeded advice or help.

2. Unofficial.

[From Latin officiosus (dutiful), from officium (service).]

"It (the petition) demands that the traffic officials of Grahamstown`return to being polite public servants, working for the good and safety of the community, rather than the rude and officious revenue officers they have become...'" Cecile Greyling, Teacher Launches Petition Against Traffic Department Repression, East Cape News (Grahamstown, South Africa), June 13,


"The bough of cherries some officious fool

Broke in the orchard for her, the white mule."

Robert Browning, My Last Duchess, 1842.

i know some officious kids, do you?

ok i'm going to sleep. tommorrow = lots of studying


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