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rain, littoral, Agamemnon, John Mayberry, singing and books
2002-9-15 � 7:19 p.m.

it is rainy and sad outside. but it has been a pretty good day. i went to curch which was very nice. then i have done a lot of hw.

righty ho then, here is a word

littoral LIH-tuh-rul, adjective:

Of, relating to, or on a coastal or shore region, especially a seashore.

Professor Henslow tells me, he believes that nearly all the plants which I brought from these islands, are common littoral species in the East Indian archipelago. --Charles Darwin, The Voyage of the Beagle

A country that is landlocked or has few neighbors will be more vulnerable than one that is littoral or extensive. --Franklin L. Lavin, "Asphyxiation or Oxygen? The Sanctions Dilemma," Foreign Policy, September-October 1996

Like 49ers staking claims in California, the five littoral nations have asserted overlapping territorial claims in the Caspian itself. --Richard Stone, "Caspian Ecology Teeters On the Brink," Science, January 18, 2002

i have found that the classic greek play Agamemnon is best read with steve ly.'s character john mayberry's voice and inflections. i do this silently with the voice in my head as to not scare the people around me. and furthermore i can not do justice to the voice out loud any way. there is also no swearing or characters named Nostalgia in the script of Agamemnon so it is also different in those ways.

i miss being able to sing very loud in my own room or car. oh well there are always books to read.


oh p.s. - i expect a 500 word essay from all of you on "Asphyxiation or Oxygen? The Sanctions Dilemma," Foreign Policy, September-October 1996 (see above example) by october 23rd. please double space and size twelve font, oh and if you use the font 'courier new' i will count the words myself.

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