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new testament, wrap around skirts, Iraq, and Doubting Thomas
2002-10-02 � 2:21 p.m.

sup kids

ok so today i was studying on the college green and i saw a boy who walked a block and a half out of the way to avoid being asked if he wants a new testament. he looked at me with fear and said,"i have like eight of those things" and then swiftly went on his out of the way detour. the things people are worried about these days. it is not like the nice old man passing out the Bibles is going to get angry and punch you in the face. he is just offering it to you if you are interested.

i also saw a boy wearing a wrap around skirt. you might ask, "how do you KNOW it was a boy" lets just say he was not wearing very much under the skirt and the wind can be very unforgiving here in Athens.

so uhhh yeah, my lead photo was our President and this was the caption:

Bush: Iraq Force May Be Unavoidable

President Bush responds to a reporters question during a meeting with members of Congress on terrorism insurance in the White House Cabinet Room, Tuesday, Oct 1, 2002. Bush told reporters, "I don't want to get a resolution which ties my hands, Bush demanded a resolution that "sends a clear signal that this country is determined to disarm Iraq and thereby bring peace to the world." (AP Photo/Doug Mills)

dude i do not feel free to type any of my comments about this matter. but i would agree to talk to you about it after you are searched for microphones and any other sort of communication/recording device. lets just say i am very sad that this is happening and i will pray about it and i would ask that y'all do to.

here is a word(s):

doubting Thomas (DOU-ting TOM-uhs) noun

A person who is habitually doubtful or someone who refuses to believe something until given proof.

[After Saint Thomas, apostle, who doubted Jesus Christ's resurrection according to the Bible.]

"Since he was elected in 1982, the 43-year-old Braddock has developed a reputation as the `Dr. No' of the House of Representatives. He is the proverbial skeptic in the back row, the doubting Thomas, the heckler of other legislators' proposals more interested in tossing a wrench into the system than making it work better." Doug Underwood, Dr. No' Says Yes to Health Care, The Seattle Times, Mar 16, 1987.

"Jo-Ann, an editorial assistant in Manhattan, landed her last boyfriend using the rules, and she was a Doubting Thomas at first." Sharon Krum, Dating Rules, OK! The Daily Telegraph (Sydney, Australia), Nov 21, 1996.

good old staint thomas. ok well to gotta go to math and do my hw for other classes there. have a good day folkes.


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