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silent mutes and brodie
2002-10-08 � 12:39 a.m.

yo yo kids

whats happening?

sorry for the lull, it has been crazy ameds around here lately with my sister visiting and all. i have kinda caught up on sleep a small amount. so i am here to give you an entry:

NEWSFLASH: um ok so the "silent" mute for my trombone is not really silent just quiet. i found this to be dissapointing. but it is still beneficial and i am grateful to have it.

so uhhhh yeah here is a word:

brodie (BROH-dee) noun

1. A daredevil or suicidal jump.

2. An spectacular failure.

3. A sudden change in a vehicle's direction.

[After Steve Brodie, who claimed to be the first person to survive a dive from the Brooklyn Bridge in 1886.]

Should you believe Steve Brodie's claim? Here's the math:

"The yuppie market is where everybody wants to be because that's where the money is -- or was, up until the Dow Jones did a Brodie." John R. White, Buick Regal, The Boston Globe, Nov 15, 1987.

"After all the hype, the movie did a brodie after the second week." Jim Beckerman, et al, The Highs & Lows of '97 Movies, Record (Bergen County, NJ), Dec 28, 1997.

the website is very mathmatical and interesting if you like physics. you all should go check it out.

ok i am very tired and should be sleeping shortly.


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