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talking, sleep, magic cards, crepuscular, iraq, and girls
2002-10-15 � 4:17 p.m.

chaos chaos. do be do be do wha wha

whats happening y'all

things that are great include:

* yesterday in the dining hall i saw two boys i know from high school eating together. Brad and Craig are two of the most quiet and least talkative people i have ever met. i can only imagine what they would be talking about or not talking about.

* i got 10.5 hrs of sleep last night and i am feeling like a million bucks. i am a little looney b/c that is more than twice what i usually get.

*when i woke up this morning i went into the mod to get to the bathroom and people were playing Magic Cards. this brought joy to my heart with many jazz band bus memories.

so uhhhh yeah, here is a word:

crepuscular kri-PUS-kyuh-lur, adjective:

1.Pertaining to twilight; glimmering; hence, imperfectly clear or luminous.

2.(Zoology) Flying in the twilight or evening, or before sunrise; -- said certain birds and insects.

A faint crepuscular light extending beyond the cusps of the planet. --G. F. Chambers, Astronomy

I saw a large brown insect, a crepuscular hawkmoth, quivering as it tried to plunge into the illusory depths of the mirror. --Andrei Makine, Dreams of My Russian Summers

The crepuscular realm of the writer's own reveries. --Henry James, Hawthorne

This semihistorical and crepuscular period. --Sir G. C. Lewis

i thought that one was interesting.

if you go to and read the Friday, Oct. 04, 2002 � 1:07 pm entry it is very sad.

right, um lets see, we need a positive note to end on. well this is kind of sick but if you go here:

you can sing along to a R and H classic. this one's dedicated to my roomates women's study class

ok have a great day kids!


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