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International Association of Turtles
2002-10-27 � 11:34 p.m.

chaos! sup kids

ok so i bought this amazing shirt at the thrift store. it is a denim westerny shirt. it has a patch sewn on it that has says R-U-A then a picture of a turtle then it says under the turtle "YOU BET YOUR SWEET A** I AM". so out of my curiousity i looked online to find an origin of this. it is a little shady but i feel that this site does an ok job explaining about the International Association of Turtles. but it has the questions and answers and some good stories.

1. What does a woman do sitting down, that a man does standing up, that a dog does on three legs -- shake hands.

2. What word begins with an F and ends with a UCK -- firetruck.

3. What's hairy, hard and sticks out of a man's pajamas at night -- his head.

4. What four letter would, ending in K, represents intercourse between a man and a women -- talk.

5. What is it that a cow has four of and a woman only two -- legs.

6. What goes in hard but comes out soft and wet -- gum.

7. What does a dog do that a man steps in -- pants.

8. What can you find in a man's pants that is about six inches long, has a head on it, and that women love so much they often blow? -- a twenty dollar bill.

9. Name five words that are each four letters long, end in u-n-t, one of which is a word for a woman -- bunt, hunt, runt, punt, aunt.

10. What four letter word begins with f and ends with k, and if you can't get one you can use your hands -- fork.

11. What is hard, six inches long, has two nuts, and can make a girl fat? -- Almond Joy candy bar.

12. What four-letter word ends in i-t and is found on the bottom of birdcages -- grit.

13. What is it that all men have one of; that is longer on some men than others, that the Pope doesn't use, and that a man gives to his wife after they're married -- his last name.

14. What is it on a man that gets very large when he is excited -- his pupils.

15. What is long, round, wet and full of sea men - a subarmine

ok so you are still like what is this all about, so was i so i found this:

which explains the International Association of Turtles clearly.


There are only two requirements for being a member of the International Association of Turtles, you think clean minded and you are willing to stick your neck out for yourself and for other people in need.

i feel that these are good principles so i don't mind supporting it. thinking with a clean mind is awesome! way to be turtles. i will have you all know that i did cover up the word a** so i do not have a swear word on my shirt but i feel the message of the piece still rings clear.


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