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illeist and angela lansbury
2002-11-04 � 11:57 p.m.

chaos chaos!

whats up kids?

here is a word:

illeist (IL-ee-ist) noun

One who refers to oneself in the third person.

[From Latin ille (that) + -ism.]

"I've read that some famous sports figures become illeists during press conferences: `He [meaning the speaker] has to work more on his free throws.' I have but one thing to say about that, `Redgate finds that sort of thing somewhat irritating.'" Chris Redgate, The Red Pencil, The Washington Post, Mar 14, 2000.

i feel that people who do this are sometimes comical but on the whole are think they are da'bomb but are not really. that is unfortunate.

today i once again remembered how great Angela Lansbury is when i watched murder she wrote at 11am on A&E. i would definately go as far as to say she is one of my role models. i have a huge amount of respect for her and her work. check out some cool stuff about her here:

that one is a little slow but it will get faster don't worry, be patient :)

goodnight kids


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