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pope not lisa, tenebrous, weather, list and russian mime clowns
2002-11-06 � 11:05 p.m.


ok things i want to clarify include, a tricky person has posted a supposed link to lisa's picture but it is actually another picture of the pope. i agree with mary that lisa is far to beautiful to look like an old polish man.

now that is said, here is a word:

tenebrous TEN-uh-bruhs, adjective:

Dark; gloomy.

He found the Earl, who is eight feet tall and has the family trait of a Cyclops eye, standing stock still, dressed from head to foot in deepest black, in one of the most tenebrous groves in all his haunted domains. --Peter Simple, "At Mountwarlock," Daily Telegraph, March 20, 1998

We are so used to the tenebrous atmosphere that can be created in indoor theatres that it's a shock to realise that this murkiest of tragedies first saw the literal light of day at the Globe theatre. --Paul Taylor, "Cool, calm, disconnected," Independent, June 7, 2001

And lurking behind our every move is the knowledge of our own mortality. It gives life its edgy disquiet, its tenebrous underside. --Douglas Kennedy, "Sudden death," Independent, July 3, 1999

ok so those examples are hilarious. i love them. dude that word can definately be used to decribe the weather lately.

speaking of the weather, today i am wearing a yellow sweater. it reminds me a of 1986 Spiegal add that reads "I love hot colors on cold days" with this swedish ski bunny wearing a bright yellow and blue sweater, and since it is Spiegal it probably costs oh say $200 easy.

wow now back in reality here is a good list i came upon the other day:

Several Books Left In My Appartment Building's Laundry Room.


Seven Stories of Christmas Love by Leo Buscaglia

The Bastard by John Jakes

The Rebels by John Jakes

Call Me Anna: The Autobiography of Patty Duke

Be My Guest by Conrad Hilton

The Omen by David Seltzer

The Sovereign State of ITT by Anthony Sampson

The Fate of the Earth by Jonathan Schell

Before Thanksgiving Comes by Marisa Carroll

The Partner by John Grisham

Diary of a Nobody by George and Weedon Grossmith

Dune Messiah by Frank Herbert

nice choices.

as madeline ends it "it's time to go, au revoir!, but you might shout "encore!" that's all there is, there isn't, anymore, ruff ruff

wow i love genoveve and russian mime clowns.


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