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trammel, Legion of the Moose and veterans
2002-11-11 � 8:07 p.m.


whats up kids? it has been a little busy but i am back.

ok so this word a has a lot of definitions:

trammel TRAM-uhl, noun:

1. A kind of net for catching birds, fish, etc.

2. A kind of shackle used for making a horse amble.

3. Something that impedes activity, progress, or freedom, as a net or shackle.

4. An iron hook of various forms and sizes, used for handing kettles and other vessels over the fire.

5. An instrument for drawing ellipses.

6. An instrument for aligning or adjusting parts of a machine.

transitive verb:

1. To entangle, as in a net; to enmesh.

2. To hamper; to hinder the activity, progress, or freedom of.

I feel she dances a symbol of human happiness as it should be, free from unnatural trammels.--John Sloan, quoted in New York Modern, by William B. Scott and Peter M. Rutkoff

Is it a dull or uninstructive picture to see a whole people shaking suddenly off the trammels of reason, and running wild after a golden vision, refusing obstinately to believe that it is not real, till, like a deluded hind running after an ignis fatuus, they are plunged into a quagmire? --Charles Mackay, Memoirs of Extraordinary Popular Delusions and the Madness of Crowds

In fact, corporate governance is based on the belief that managers (like anyone else) work best not when their freedom is trammelled but when they are made to account for what they do with it. --"The way ahead," The Economist, January 29, 1994

It is quite inconsistent to claim to promote an enterprise society on the one hand and to trammel it with regulations on the other. --Sir Iain Vallance, quoted in "Stop squeezing business, CBI," by Charlotte Denny and Michael White, Guardian, May 22, 2002

And it encourages the coercive use of political power to wipe out choice, forbid experimentation, shortcircuit feedback, and trammel progress. --Virginia Postrel, The Future and Its Enemies

whew! that was intense!

now for a little lighter subject: The Legion of the Moose

ok this site has everything you could ever want to know in extreme detail:

now that was a bit much to take in so unless you have a lot of free time this next one is a little more brief:

it answers my question:


Following the founding of the Loyal Order of Moose in 1888, dedicated Moose members searched for new ways to be of greater service to the Order. Therefore, the "Second Degree," or Moose

Legion, was established to provide greater opportunities for Lodge members to serve the Lodge and fraternity.

More than a century later, the Moose Legion remains a strong and growing arm of the Loyal Order of Moose. It is comprised of thousands of Moose members in every state and province who desire to elevate their service and leadership skills in their Lodge and Moose Legion jurisdiction. It is also a forum for

members to direct and lead special programs that support the fraternity�s three basic missions: community service programs, Mooseheart and Moosehaven.

ok enough moose talk for now.

i would like everyone to take a moment to remember the veterans today. they fought to help us to live in the country we do today.

ok i am going to finish my hw before i get too patriotic on all y'all. have a good night.


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