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impassive, pants, Vietnam vets, and Christmas Parties
2002-11-13 � 2:41 p.m.

yo yo kiddos

ok so this word seems simple and not very serious, but the examples they gave make it seem like a very important and special word, but this only makes it hilarious:

impassive im-PASS-iv, adjective:

1. Devoid of or unsusceptible to emotion.

2. Showing no sign of emotion or feeling; expressionless.

As before, he seemed neither happy nor unhappy. Just utterly impassive. --Lesley Hazleton, Driving To Detroit

Yet highway troopers, too, wore smoked glasses to mask their emotions and thus look formidably impassive as they delivered news as highly charged as jazz. --Edward Hoagland, Compass Points

He was a slight, kindly man, his impassive face sculpted with deep furrows, who held himself very erect and had a demeanor which suggested a degree of resigned boredom from having taught the same unchanging discipline year after year to each new class of medical students. --Frances K. Conley, M.D., Walking Out on the Boys

Still, he remained impassive and unexcited, even when informed of the death of Helen Jewett. --Patricia Cline Cohen, The Murder of Helen Jewett

ok so the police example is great.

so uhhhh yeah, yesterday when i was walking to class an old man with a cabana hat exited the side dorr of Grover Hall at 7pm. he was wearing a trench coat, black socks and shoes all whilst carrying his pants in his left hand. i personally feel that is unecessary and your pants should be worn not carried and i do not care how long your coat is.

oh yes and lets not forget our friend, Tohmas Doherty, the historian who said, "the castrated Vietnam vet is one powerful anti-warrior"

kids today with their crazy ideas.

i must go to math now. i hope everyone has a cheery day, i know i am, today is the (navi)Gators Christmas Party. man celebrating Jesus's birthday is awesome. we should celebrate the J-man's birth everyday! and i know it is not even thanksgiving yet but that's what makes it amazing!

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