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God, nosegay, and russian mail order brides
2002-11-20 � 5:57 p.m.

whats up kids!

man, God is awesome and amazing and that doesn't even begin to describe Him. His plan for us is so perfect. i will stop carring on but if any of all y'all want to talk about Him with me or you have any questions i would be more than happy to talk.

ok so here is a pretty good word:

nosegay (NOZ-gay) noun

A bunch of flowers; bouquet.

[From Middle English, from nose + gay, from gai (ornament).]

"My nosegays are for captives;

Dim, long-expectant eyes,

Fingers denied the plucking,

Patient till paradise.

"To such, if they should whisper

Of morning and the moor,

They bear no other errand,

And I, no other prayer."

Emily Dickinson (1830-1886), The Complete Poems of Emily Dickinson, 1924.

emily dickinson is one of my favorites!

ok so today i got an email with the subject "-Be happier with a Russian wife." and i was like whoa dude. so out of amusemnt i opened it and it says this "Russian Mail Order Brides: Tired of Dating Spoiled American Women? Russian Women are Unspoiled, Devoted and Grateful! (Browse the FREE Pictures THEY Sent In!) We'll Post Your FREE Ad on Our Russian Site. Let Women Come To You For A Change. Check it Out Here"

the "check it out here" was a link to this site:

i did not to a lot of exploring b/c i am not really looking for a russian bride or any bride for that matter but there does not seem to be any nudity. this is funny to me because of it's absurdity. it is very sad really.

ok i have to keep on studying for my exams tommorrow. i think i will do ok on them. i am pleased about this.


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