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lynchings, England England, and Caveman
2003-02-13 � 7:02 p.m.

please note while things around here are usually "tounge and cheek" part one of this episode is completely serious:

i can not believe this. so the united states destroyed the cultures of the Native Americans and enslaved African Americans for way too many years. but just as bad or worse was after the civil war there was mass lynchings of African Americans in which there was no punishment to the lynchers. when i use the term lynch i do not just mean hanging by the neck, but any form of torture, brutality or dismemberment and eventual murder of a human being. and you might be like, jess we know it happened, but it wasn't that bad. that is where YOU, yes you, are completely wrong. these were sick and ritualistic acts of hate. pieces of the body sold as souvenirs, locks of hair kept, bones kept in the family for years to come. AND there is photograpic documented evidnence if you do not believe me. these mother-f-er's were so sick that they made f-ing post cards to send to their friends. if you are not having the greatest day i do not suggest going to this site. however, i do feel that everyone should go to this site and view every single picture and read every single caption and realize what went on for around 50 years in this capitolistic democracy for which we faught so hard. please go here and see for your self:

part two: i don't want to leave all y'all on such a negative note so here is some fun stuff for you kids.

"Furious and humiliated, the boy waylaid Martha after school." --Julian Barnes, England, England

There is an amazing movie form 1981 called Caveman. The tagline for this movie is �Back when you had to beat it before you could eat it...� This is the cast which speaks louder than my words ever can. Please note how amazing the character names are as well.

Cast (in credits order) complete, awaiting verification

Ringo Starr .... Atouk

Dennis Quaid .... Lar

Shelley Long .... Tala

Jack Gilford .... Gog

Cork Hubbert .... Ta

Mark King (I) .... Ruck

Paco Morayta .... Flok

Evan C. Kim .... Nook (as Evan Kim)

Ed Greenberg (I) .... Kalta

Carl Lumbly .... Bork

Jack Scalici .... Folg

Erica Carlson (I) .... Folg's Mate

Gigi Vorgan .... Folg's Daughter

Sara L�pez Sierra .... Folg's Younger Daughter

Esteban Valdez .... Folg's Son

Juan Ancona Figueroa .... Folg's Younger Son

Juan Omar Ortiz .... Folg's Youngest Son

Ana�s de Melo .... Meeka

John Matuszak .... Tonda

Barbara Bach .... Lana

Avery Schreiber .... Ock

Miguel �ngel Fuentes (I) .... Grot

Tere �lvarez .... Ock's Mate

Ana De Sade .... Grot's Mate

Gerardo Zepeda .... Boola

Hector Moreno (I) .... Noota

Pamela Gual .... Noota's Mate

Marco Antonio Arzate .... Caveman

Miguel �ngel Garc�a (I) .... Caveman

Vicente Hueso .... Caveman

Nicol�s Jasso .... Caveman

Ra�l Mart�nez (I) .... Caveman

Gerardo Albarr�n .... Caveman (as Gerardo Moreno)

Humberto Olivares .... Caveman

Martha Irma Gutierrez .... Cavewoman

Mar�a Elena Novella .... Cavewoman

Sabina Riba .... Cavewoman

Xochitl del Rosario .... Cavewoman

Diana Walther .... Cavewoman

Michelle Wagner (I) .... Cavewoman

Richard Moll .... Abominable Snowman

with an all-star cast and wooden clubs, you really can't go wrong.

for more info go to


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LOG: Balti-Malti Part 2 - 2011-07-23
LOG: Balti-Malti Part 1 - 2011-07-22
LOG: NoVa � The Panda Council Part 4 - 2011-03-27