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Mobsters, kites, peter pan?, and Bob Dylan
2003-03-02 � 7:46 p.m.

la la la

over the weekend i went home to see a play. it was amazing. it was called Who Wants to Marry a Mobster. i am so proud of all the kids invovled in the production. i am honored and it was excellent and an i am still blown away. way to keep the student produced plays at a high level of quality entertainment.

while i was home i saw my neighbor emily. she is five and is a child genious. i am not kidding. she is very smart. she had made a kite out of a piece of paper and a string she taped onto it. it only flies when you run with it. she would run up and down the driveway with it and yell ahhhhh. it was amazing and great. anyway while she may be a genious she is still a kid. i love to be reminded of this. praise God for children.

ok so this site is creepo, but very amusing:

the best part is that this guy loves the Lord. yes that is right folks. to read his amazing and almost inspirational testimony go here:

it is long but i feel it is worth your time to read his story. boo-yah Jesus.

ok and in conclusion i will leave all y'all with something to ponder: ok so this year at the New Orleans Heritage JAZZ Festival one of the main headliners is Bob Dylan. if anyone has any theorys or can explain this to me please sign my guestbook.

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