Time in Macedonia

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Time in Hudson, OH

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Time in Seattle, WA

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oh S�ren
2003-03-07 � 10:40 a.m.

hey kids

i have been trying to update for a while but diaryland has been getting a new server. i am glad that it is up and running again.

there was an amazing man named S�ren Kierkegaard.

Matthew 11:28 says "Come here to me, all you who labor and are burdened, and I will give you rest"

this is a bit of what S�ren had to say about this passage:

" 'I will give you rest.' - Amazing! The words 'Come here to me' should be understood to mean 'Remain with me, I am that rest.' It is not as it usually is, when the helper who says 'Come here' then says 'Now leave" as he explains where the particular help a person might need is to be found, where, for example, the healing herb grows, or where there is a quiet place where he can relax from his labor. No, the helper is the help. Oh, how wonderful! ... But when the helper is the help, he remains with the patient all day long. How amazing, then, that this helper is the very one who invites all to remain with him!"

S�ren's excitement makes me excited as well. i hope he does the same for you.


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