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waking up, riots, man w/out a face, vertical expressions?, and freakshow
2003-03-07 � 3:58 p.m.

Yo yo yo

What up kids

I don�t normally make an entry 2x in one day but this mornings entry was supposed to be posted yesterday. Today I dedicate this entry to Tori and Shannon � way to be, you guys rock the house!

So uuuuhhhhhhhh yeah

Things that happened today:

*I heard a girl say, �yeah well, I just woke up 2 weeks ago on Friday�

*We had a riot in theatre history, I am not kidding, AND I got participation points for it. stop looking at me with such disdain.

*I saw the rest of the movie The Man With Out a Face directed by and starring Mel Gibson. I give it 1.5 thumbs up [due to an unfortunate incident with a large door being closed on my hand]

*I have decided to give up lying for today, so the info in the brakets above is a lie. I only gave it 1.5 thumbs up b/c it was not quite a 2.

*I went to math class with everybody�s favorite nutty professor Iordonka Gortcheva. She explained to us that with asymptotes the graph never quite touches. This apparently is like dancing. There was a weird over-head picture (no nudity) and then she stated �Dance is a vertical expression of some horizontal desires.� And you thought you were safe in math class, boy were you wrong.

But Lionel... is not a risible character, even though he is often called "freakshow" and "crazyman." --Adam Mazmanian, "Postmodern PI," Washington Post, November 7, 1999


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