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finals and right on track
2003-03-22 � 2:04 p.m.


i have finished my second quarter of college. all i did for 6 days straight was study, which is why i have not been updating.

all of 4 my professors were at least 10 minutes late to their own exams. my math professor, i hope we all remember, brought a delia's catalogue to look at while we took the exam. please go and look at her agian and you will see why i find this amusing.

last night i was fortunate enough to view the disney channel's latest orginal movie called "Right on Track." now, i know what you are thinking, this is just like "Motocrossed" except with cars instead of motorcyles. well, while they did have some similarities, it was a quality disney production and it is now a personal favorite. here are some amazing quotes from the movie:

mom-"am i being that big of a witch?"

dad-"rock on monkey, stick-um!"

mom-"you're not an alien honey"

erica-"what do you want to do" randy replies-"go soak my ankles"

later when i asked, "what's this movie called again?" kevin replied,"Race it up?" amazing.


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