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emilyh and funny friends
2003-03-28 � 5:25 p.m.

I babysat my neighbor emily today, here are some great ones:

"I can box anything! Hi-yah! king kong! hong kong! Korea!" all while jumping around wearing boxing gloves.

"I will cut you up into speggetti"

"first you get a chair and then you beat it up with another chair and you get chairy meat, no not cherry meat, but chairy meat."

"You are going to jail for 50 years!" me- "what did I do" emily-"you stole fifty pounds of meat from the store" me-"I did no such thing" emily-"don't talk back or you will be covered in chairy meat sauce"

emily-"I can make this egg any color you want" me-"how about blue" emily-"is blue with flowers ok?"

me-"who told you that?" emily-"a scientific scientist"

"It is clogged, like a toilet with too much toilet paper"

her user name for is sarahmaggie. she sent her wish list to her dad in the name of reciever she put "doofus" then his email address and then the reason for sending was "barbie MUST HAVES"and in the name of sender she put "kirsten" b/c that is her favorite american girl character.

"you rocks better stay over there or I will conquer you!"

emily is truly amazing. i also have amazing friends, here is the proof:

The wise man can pick up a grain of sand and envision a whole universe, but the stupid man will just lay down on some seaweed, and roll around until he's completely draped in it. Then he'll stand up and go, "Hey, I'm Vine Man." ? Katherine

Jess and I had a funny convo when she said "we are supposed to love all our neighbors" and then I said "Oh Jess I ate all my neighbors". Isn't that funny? - Lisa

"Well I own the hotel and live there... my life is very much like Monopoly"

"Bake them until they are golden . . . green"-Julie B

"This is all dreadfully serious. ... as indicated by the pastels."

"if you know chaveaux, you hold france in the palm of your hand"- Mary

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