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middle school
2003-04-08 � 12:00 a.m.

i finally finished recalling my schooling so i thought you might like to read part of it. it is not my best work but i like it.

Bianca and I always seemed to be sitting near each other throughout Middle School do to alphabetical order. In classes where a teacher was lecturing most of the time there was never any problems. It was in the electives and especially gym class where we had opportunities to converse where we always seemed to clash. On the �popularity� scale of Middle School I was a pretty big nerd and very �un-cool� but I was not on the lowest level of looser-dom, but that is where Bianca resided. Bianca was very thin, not taller than five feet with shoulder length curly and messy dark brown hair, and big round glasses that did nothing to complement her face. She really liked to read and draw pictures of horses on everything from her notes to her lunch bag. Her friends were also very strange and often they would pretend to be dogs right there in the cafeteria and bark and lick each other. More than once I watched them have contests of who could wrap the most gum around there face with only leaving holes for the various orifices. I would also like to bring up that Middle School girls are some of the meanest people alive and just because I was a nerd does not mean that I was not one of them. One day in gym class I was taunting Bianca. I do not remember what mean and sarcastic thing I said but I got her so furious that she roared, �If you say one more word I am going to scalp you!� This only led to me and one of my friends asking her to scalp us almost everyday for the rest of the year and occasionally in the year to follow, until she moved away and I have not seen her since.

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