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rent, beer, geog 201, and broccoli fish roll-up
2003-04-09 � 11:05 p.m.


today i am in a crazyish mood but this might be because crazyish things keep happening.

1. everytime i walk on college green i see all the trucks and people bringing in the set and preparing for the show RENT tonight. this makes it so i can not wipe the giant goofy grin off of my face, no matter how hard i try. and of all things the song that comes to my head is one of the most lameo songs in the musical rockin paradise which has lyrics that go like this "we're not gonna pay, we're not gonna pay, we're not gonna pay last years rent, this years rent, rent rent rent rent rent rent we're not gonna pay rent"

2. the amazing cleaning lady this morning was slightly suspicous that i had opened a beer when i opend my diet mountain dew b/c just as she walked by my door my friend lindsay who lives in my room was quickly closing the door. reasons she is amazing includes she said, "if that is a beer, i want one, and i don't worry, i won't tell" the time was 10:36 am. later this afternoon as i was exiting the building she asked, as a joke, if i was drunk and i replied with something pathetic like, �no, this is a substance free dorm, i wrote an essay�

3. i have discovered that my friend Tori is in my environmental geography class. that is great. what is greater is that today the professor of this class was wearing all green and brown. just try to picture it, green dorky baseball cap with extra long bill, hunter green turtleneck with brown checked button up polo on top sloppily tucked into green denim jeans (the same color as the hat) with brown boots that matched the brown shirt. steve ly. i feel like you would have loved it so much you would have peed.

4. today for dinner i had a broccoli fish roll-up. well, sort of. i tried to have the broccoli fish roll-up and had about 1/3 of it before I was feeling nauseous from the extremely strong tasting and smelling fish, that was slightly undercooked, i think. i then got a hot dog and french fries.

there has also been some pretty good new exploding dogs lately. shut up! i am working on the future.


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