Time in Macedonia

Time in Aberdeen, Scotland

Time in Hudson, OH

Time in Chicago, IL

Time in Seattle, WA

Time in Fairbanks, AK

Time in the Philippines

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room, cash money, pain, yawn, blue hair, and shocked
2003-04-27 � 4:02 p.m.

la la la

so uuhhhh yeah

i have secured a room for next year. that would be 426 in the True House. boo-yah

here is some stuff that has been happening in the last few days:

random guy at lunch says, "You look like cash money today. You don't look like a bunch of white wanna be's"

my roomate, jessn, winced in pain while crumpling 1 piece of looseleaf into a ball.

"i yawned and i got spit on my paper and now it is smearing the ink..." - jessn

after i asked how jessn would feel if i dyed my hair blue she said,"Jess, i feel like if you dyed your hair blue, it would be really blue b/c you have a lot of hair"

my friend was folding these warm-up pants that just came out of the dryer and they shocked me like a door handle on my right breast. ow!


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