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wedgies and the moon for sale
2003-05-12 � 5:56 p.m.

yesterday i made an attempt to give my friend a wedgie. i grabbed the back of her underwear and firmly clasped the elastic and used most of my strength to pull up. she was however using all of her strength to pin her butt against the bed frame. so when i pulled up you just heard a loud rip. i ripped off almost the whole elastic of the top of her underwear. i won't be giving anyone wedgies any times soon.

today i really got an email FROM: Land on the moon SUBJECT: 1 Acre of land on the moon 29.99. wow. it intrigued me enough to open it. there was a crazy poster and a link that took you here:

really go to this link it is quite humorous. kids these days. what are we going to do with our fallen youth?


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