Time in Macedonia

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Disclaimer: The comments on this page do not express the views of Peace Corps, the United States Government, or any other organizations named in these pages.

go S�ren go S�ren go!
2003-06-02 � 11:08 p.m.

DISCLAIMER: hello, in the Bible we are commanded to spread the Good News of our Savoir, Jesus Christ, with gentleness and respect. S�ren seemed to cross this line quite a few times. this is not me saying "everyone who reads this needs to do this stuff" this is me saying "wow, S�ren is preachin' what the Word says and he is not kidding around. i find these to be informative and i want to try and learn from these things. maybe they can help some of all y'all as well."

my man S�ren Kierkegaard continues to keep it real. here is some way cool stuff he had to say in chapter 74 entitled "God":

"To become involved with God in any other way than by being wounded is impossible."

"We do not beign to comprehend God unitl we realize first that we are comprehended by Him."

"The simple and humble thing is to love God because you need Him."

"Many relate to God so that it might go well with them on Earth - consequently to profit from God in an earthly sense. Many also relate to God in order to be saved from sin, in order to find a merciful judge. Is there a difference?"

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