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tech guy and books
2003-06-18 � 11:18 p.m.

hey kids

man i really need to go to bed, 5:10 comes early

ok so today at work there was this tech guy that came in to re-calibrate all of the machines in the lab. at first i am started to see someone in the lab, however it is very obvious to see what his purpose is. so i just continue on with my testing of the caulk. then the guy talks, i can not hear what he said so i look at him but he is still facing the machine and not looking at me at all. this happens about 20 times in 15 minutes. there were also un-recognizable grunts and moans. you think, hey maybe he is moving a machine or picking something up, but no he is just sitting typing on his laptop. weird.

i am very close to finishing unpacking/cleaning/reorganizing/rearranging my rooom. soon i will be done, hopefully tommorrow. then i am allowed to leave the house. i have discovered in this unpacking/cleaning/reorganizing/rearranging that i own or have in my possession or will buy very soon not 12 (as previously thought,) but 18 books to read this summer, besides the one i am half way done with now. that is a lot of books.


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