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nora and the rain
2003-07-08 � 9:26 p.m.

ro ro

cool things that haave happened lately:

* 3 day weekend, no Mameco, that is infinity thumbs up

* i have finished 2 of 24 books i want to read this summer

* i finally own harry potter 5 and i will start reading it when i am done with this entry

* i saw Nora Jones live in concert. she, her band, the area rugs on stage and the lighting for her show were all amazing. her opening act was some shady shade though. creepo lyrics will be posted soon i hope.

* severe thunderstorm and tornado watches all the time everywhere. tons of lighting, hail and flooding. very exciting for us meteorologists. however, very dangerous for everyone, especially those who drive to work through them.

* the weather is really crazy b/c conditions are jus right that storms will appear out of nowhere, we can not see them just comming on the radar. amazing. boo-yah God. i love it.

mouse bed it rained a lot, some trees fell over when lighting shocked

jessica is my name and weather is my game.


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